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Futurepast Issue 4 Available to View Online

Futurepast 4 contains interviews with:

- Justice (Modern Urban Jazz), for those that don’t know he’s been releasing loads of excellent music since the rave days and is still making really excellent music, find out what’s happening now and in 2013
- Burlish is a Dj based in the Midlands, he promotes a night called Movement and another night called Heard Not Scene. Both of his nights are pretty unique for the Midlands, something different. There is a movement night coming up on the 23rd December so if anyone is around Birmingham, be sure to check it out
- Deadwood is a music maker I came across through twittering about fanzines and exchanging music, he makes a wide variety of music: folk, noise, field recordings and ‘experimental’ type stuff. His music is really interesting and he’s got a few live shows coming up too
